Python Exercises for Beginners

The Python Exercises for Beginners is a repository for automating the correction of hundreds of exercises. Exercises can developed be by using the Python Exercise Template to create exercises and assigning them to courses via GitHub Classroom.

By leveraging GitHub Actions and GitHub Classroom Autograding it is possible to automatically correct the exercises and provide feedback to the students.

It is even possible to enforce some good programming practices by using autoformatters such as Black, isort and Pylint.

This allows a Professor to focus on the content of the exercises and not on the correction of the exercises. While also providing the students with immediate feedback on their exercises.

With this project it is possible assign several exercises to a course while not overwhelming the professor with hundreds of exercises to manually correct.

The project was developed with the following technology stack:

Python GitHub Actions GitHub Classroom Pylint Black isort

One main challenge with this project was to avoid any using external dependencies that would require the students to install them, since they might not have the means/knowledge to use virtual environments or install without admin access.
